A Report Issued By The Federal Tax Ombudsman  Regarding Unnecessary Taxes On Electricity Bills

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ISLAMABAD: An inquiry report conducted by the Federal Tax Ombudsman revealed that low-income consumers in Pakistan also pay income and sales taxes on their electricity bills. A recent report has revealed that people from the low-income, non-middle class across the country are forced to pay unnecessary and unfair taxes that are being added to their electricity bills.

Unnecessary amounts are being collected from these non-middle and low-income people in the form of electricity duty, irrespective of their income, which has no legal status. The report issued by the Federal Tax Ombudsman has also revealed that despite the income of these non-middle and low-income people being below the taxable income limit, various types of taxes are being imposed on them.

Low-income consumers are paying the same taxes on their electricity bills as the country’s elite. The investigation has revealed many discrepancies in the electricity duty imposed by the electricity departments working at the provincial level, and the funds received by these departments are being misused.

The Federal Tax Ombudsman has formed a committee to protect low-income people from these unnecessary taxes added to the electricity bills, which will submit its report as soon as possible with the support of the FBR, so that these non-middle-concerned consumers may get relief as soon as possible. The President of Pakistan has also approved the decision to form this committee made by the Federal Tax Ombudsman.